The Investors in People Philippines


Investors in People Ph


until awards night!


The Community Employee of the Year Award
Diversity and Inclusion Award
Health and Wellbeing Award
The Learning and Development Award
The Social Responsibility Award
Application Tips

We want to celebrate an individual within an Investors in People accredited organisation. Someone who’s making a real difference.

We’re not looking for CEOs, Directors or Senior Managers.

We’re looking for someone a little less senior.

Is there someone in your organisation who deserves recognition?

This award celebrates an organisation that continues to listen carefully to the world around us, asking us to change for the better. We’re looking for an organisation that approaches diversity and inclusion head on. And is seeing results because of it.

Health and wellbeing is one of, if not the most, important things an organisation must focus on when it comes to managing their people.

Do you think you stand out amongst the crowd and are an example to follow? Now’s your chance to show it!

Learning and Development isn’t just important. It’s vital. We’re looking for an organisation that has developed a learning and development strategy that is having a hugely positive impact. On the business. And on your people. This category is open to any organisation to enter. You do not have to hold Investors in People accreditation.

We’re looking for organisation’s that don’t just focus on the impact they’re having on themselves, but society in general.

This could be about the impact you’re having on people outside of your organisation. Or the environment. Or both.

These are some of our suggestions for writing an application or creating a video that gets the judges’ attention, and scores maximum points.


The Community Employee of the Year Award

We want to celebrate an individual within an Investors in People accredited organisation. Someone who’s making a real difference.

We’re not looking for CEOs, Directors or Senior Managers.

We’re looking for someone a little less senior.

Is there someone in your organisation who deserves recognition?

Diversity and Inclusion Award

This award celebrates an organisation that continues to listen carefully to the world around us, asking us to change for the better. We’re looking for an organisation that approaches diversity and inclusion head on. And is seeing results because of it.

Health and Wellbeing Award

Health and wellbeing is one of, if not the most, important things an organisation must focus on when it comes to managing their people.

Do you think you stand out amongst the crowd and are an example to follow? Now’s your chance to show it!

The Learning and Development Award

Learning and Development isn’t just important. It’s vital. We’re looking for an organisation that has developed a learning and development strategy that is having a hugely positive impact. On the business. And on your people. This category is open to any organisation to enter. You do not have to hold Investors in People accreditation.

The Social Responsibility Award

We’re looking for organisation’s that don’t just focus on the impact they’re having on themselves, but society in general.

This could be about the impact you’re having on people outside of your organisation. Or the environment. Or both.

Application Tips

These are some of our suggestions for writing an application or creating a video that gets the judges’ attention, and scores maximum points.

Submission Mechanics

You may submit either a word or video entry.
Deadline of submissions is on July 17, 2024 11:59pm!

Written Entry

– 500 words to answer each bullet point
– Submit a word document with the file name [company_category.doc]
– For example: InspiringPartners_SocialResponsibility.doc


Video Entry

– Max 6-minute video covering all bullet points
– Submit a .mp4 with the file name [company_category.mp4]
– For example: InspiringPartners_SocialResponsibility.mp4



– You may email your submissions to
– Please use this format for the subject line: Organization name_Awards2024
– For example: Inspiring Partners Inc_Awards2024